After releasing this project, we were made aware of other resembling services. This page honors them for their work and dedication in abusing URL's in every possible way!TinyURL.com - Making long URLs usable!
SnipURL.com - Snip your loooooong URLs!
Ncane.com - The small URL generator
urlTea.com - Smooth sips of decanted web addresses
dwarfURL.com - Dwarf your URL!
urlx.org - Shorten a long URL
urlZAP.com - urlZAP!
2url.org - Make a Long URL Shorter
Qurl.com - Redirection & Reporting
QRL.be - The shortest URL shortening service on the web
urlKick.com - Your URL redirection site
Tiny.cc - Making your URL short
URLic.com - URL I see
NowGOTO.ws - Free short URL redirection
BobURL.com - Enter a long URL to be Bobbed
GoURL.biz - URL Shortening & Forwarding
IsaraURL.com - Take long URLs and make them MUCH shorter
tiny.kd2.org - Create your mini-URL
These services shorten URL's using subdomains.ShortURL.com - Free short URL's since 1999
NotLong.com - Make a long URL notlong
cjb.net - Redirect a free domain to your website
I'm sure someone may find these services useful. We don't. If anyone asks, you didn't get them from us.HugeURL.com - Because bigger is better, right? [editor's note: no.]
WideURL.com - W-i-d-e-U-R-L.com
I was speechless when I saw these links. They made me wonder if my efforts were worthwhile creating this site...URL Shrtn - Your own URL shortening service script
Shorty - Your own URL shortening service script